In our adult, productive, child-rearing years our homes are our sanctuaries. We love them, decorate and maintain them, bring our babies home to them, and make them safe and cozy for our families. We’ve had birthday parties and barbecues, holiday gatherings, neighborhood meetings, and boy scout meetings. We’ve cooked family meals, made Halloween costumes, helped the kids with science projects, and created a good life for our families.
Now the kids are launched, and you have retired. The house is big and kind of empty. As we age and become less mobile, less independent, or widowed, and our house can unfortunately contribute to isolation and present fall hazards, not to mention the increasing difficulty in maintaining it. It doesn’t feel as safe or as much fun anymore. In fact, a time may come when living elsewhere will allow us to thrive to a greater degree. Moving is difficult, for sure, but with our new freedom from home ownership responsibilities, this can be a time of freedom, growth, productivity, fun, and new friends.
What are the alternatives? With enough foresight in your 70’s, you can move to a smaller, safer one-story home. A move in your 70’s should be much easier than your 80’s. You’re probably more ambulatory, you have your spouse still, and have more energy to downsize to a new home and make it yours. You will live in your own home for up to 5 years longer with this plan.
Or you may choose to stay put, make modifications to the home, and hire caregivers or companions to spend several hours per day or week with you. This is a good choice for awhile but as the caregiver hours grow, it will be the most expensive plan. Many choose ‘independent’ or assisted living. Lastly, there’s that all-time favorite: move in with your kids!
At Mom’s New Pad, I provide services for seniors facing a move in the near future with efficiency and expertise. I will guide you through the labyrinth of information, and save you many hours of searching for and evaluating communities (facilities). I will also provide a great many resources for you. With my experience, let me save you valuable time in finding your new home. I can also refer you to other qualified downsizers, movers, realtors, and an estate planning attorney for a smooth transition. Call me sooner versus later at 415-987-8636!
“A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power.”
~ Brian Tracy
ALWAYS feel free to call Millie at 415-987-8636!