In spite of the efforts being made today to help the elderly age in place, many folks are choosing other alternatives. It’s easy to understand why people want to live at home to the very end. This where we raised our children and where we are the most comfortable. For our whole lives, our home has been our sanctuary from the world, and the safest place to be.
But as we become less mobile, less independent, or widowed, our house contributes to isolation, it presents numerous safety hazards, and maintaining it is becoming increasingly difficult. A time will come when living elsewhere will allow us to thrive to a greater degree! Moving is difficult, for sure, but with our new freedom from home ownership responsibilities, this can be a time of growth, productivity, and purpose. Why be isolated when one can be engaged?
What are the alternatives? With enough foresight, one can “downsize” and move to a smaller, safer one-story home. This plan will lengthen the time of living at home. Or you may choose to stay put, make modifications to the home (see my blog entitled, “Home Safety and Modifications, Room by Room”), and hire caregivers and/or companions to spend several hours per day or week with you. This is the most expensive choice. Many choose ‘independent’ or assisted living. Lastly, there’s that all-time favorite: move in with your kids!
At Mom’s New Pad, we provide help for seniors facing a move in the near future with efficiency and expertise at NO COST to the family. The owner, Millie Anderson, will guide you through the labyrinth of information, saving you many hours of searching for the most suitable place! Then she will walk you through all the transition steps to the next chapter of life.
ALWAYS feel free to call Millie at 415-987-8636!