Has it been awhile since mom or dad moved? Have they accumulated a houseful of stuff? This is one of older people’s universal challenges – getting rid of the things they have accumulated over the years. These are things they have loved, purchased on memorable vacations, and received from loved ones. Or worse, something belonged to their great grandmother and “how can I part with this?” comes up. This is hard, so be patient with yourself or your loved one. However, in addition to letting go being difficult, many people report that the feeling of relief, lightness, of being unburdened is completely worth the effort.
It is so helpful to include family members in this process, if you can. While you’re at it, spend a little time looking at photos together, reminiscing and bringing closure to her life in this home. Each person will probably be given a few things. Accept things graciously! When it comes to the big stuff like furniture, golf clubs, skis, stationary bikes, old electronics, tools, lawnmowers, consider hiring a professional organizer. They know where to donate and when to throw away. They can pack, too! They will have a floor plan of the new apartment, and can chose exactly what will fit and where before moving day. Soon, you will be ready to hire the movers. I always recommend that you chose what she needs and wants in her new apartment, move her to the new apartment FIRST, and then get rid of the rest of the belongings.
Organizers will help you:
- Decide what to take to the new pad, and what to eliminate.
- Sell or give things away, and arrange for very valuable items to go to auction.
- Probably talk you out of having a garage sale.
- Create a floor plan of the new home to make furniture placement easy on move day.
- Coordinate packing and unpacking, including arranging for boxes and packing materials.
- Make sure everything is ready for the movers.
- On move day, place furniture and set up your new pad.
- After the move, they will help prepare the house for sale, if that is your plan.
At Mom’s New Pad we make a point to know many useful vendors for you. We can find excellent professional movers, schedule them, and oversee the entire process. On moving day, the organizers, the movers, family members and Mom’s New Pad will be onsite to make everything go smoothly, efficiently and thoughtfully. Your new home will be ready for your arrival, unpacked, packing materials removed, towels hanging and bed made! Please call and ask for resources!
Call us for recommendations on organizers, downsizers, movers, independent contractors, painters, stagers, landscapers, etc.
ALWAYS feel free to call Millie at 415-987-8636!